Thursday, December 31, 2009

How Do Come Milk In Big Boob


This is our selection of the best and worst of 2009 and share it with you.

of October 23, 2009 is declared as public interest
to essential drugs and provides attribution to grant compulsory licenses
for these drugs.
Although you can not see immediate results this is the m easure most important public health in the last 30 years, because it will be an important step to improve and l access to medicines.
This measure may compete with drugs whose patents were registered and had the monopoly drug market equivalent (having the same characteristics). This will result in a significant decrease in prices. remains now is going to apply the measure in the Ecuadorian Intellectual Property Institute and the Ministry of Health implement mechanisms to improve the control of drugs produced by multinationals and domestic companies and foreign equivalents come to compete.

Such measures,
completely legal,
based on the TRIPS agreement of the World Trade Organization, could not exist if the political will of the Government, various national and international organizations have struggled and proposed this As various governments and were never heard.

This is for us the story of the year because it marks clearly the sense that it points to Ecuador in pursuit of social justice.
The funny thing is that the pharmaceutical ultinacionales
very well accepted idea, not other opposition groups who complained
without technical
arguments indeed.


2008 Libertadores Champion, 2009 Champion of the South American Recopa and for two consecutive years the best team in South America
, says a lot about a team that was handled with love cleanly currency and without wanting to have a political spoils with triumph.

Congratulations to the King of Cups.



Led by large multimedia
bankers owned or foreign capital, an opposition arose in Ecuador is b
handle commonplace to say that there is a dictatorship (without specifying why) and accusing the president of the tyrant. These groups led by major oligarchs always
and which echoes
a relatively small percentage of the population use between their strategies permanent disqualification of media and by of opinion makers, news based on assumptions and then not rectified, among other measures. After hitting racks the barrack gates asking a military government. ideas and proposals zero
has not been seen or bills, or any corrections
idea. The story of the year
in Ecuador is that there is a thuggish opposition
that much money on c or searches chaos sometimes supported by a left the lies which he is very profitable oppose whenever anything. hope to appear in 2010 a healthy opposition seriously.




progressive governments and the trend does not stop. We wish

positive days for our continent in search of justice and social freedom and give our support to its popular and democratic governments.


At dawn armed forces kidnapped the president
Manuel Zelaya,
threatened with weapons and placed him in Costa Rica, the Congress discussed a waiver
false, then
dismissed without legal cause as and put the bloody coup leader Roberto Micheletti (aka Goriletti). The international community mobilized, but did not work
diplomatic channels, the agreements were
dialogue unilaterally broken by the dictator
and stayed in power with the knowing smile
of Mrs. Clinton.
was convened illegitimate elections and elected a representative spurious so far not remember that there was a coup.
The re-establishment
of dictatorships in Latin America and the complicity
(which may not order) by the
CIA and State Department are the international bad news year.

To Build Ecuador was a good year, we expect that 2010 will have the opportunity to be closer to you, with more proposals for policy analysis and sharing the beautiful everyday.

continue in permanent liaison with South Bridge Radio contact and work directly with the social and political organizations diversars friends of the continent to create networks and generate solid job sharing

HAPPY 2010


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