Friday, December 17, 2010

Natalie Morales 2010 Hairstyle

welcome the appointment as Interior Minister Alfredo Vera Arrata Companion, Guayaquil 75 years and an architect by profession, who collaborated on several occasions to its Articles original publication.

FEUE was vice president of Guayaquil, he worked as a journalist work in various publications and radio programs nationwide. Guayas deputy from 1986 to 1988, Minister of Education and promoter of the Literacy Campaign Monsignor Leonidas Proaño between 1988 and 1991, National Deputy in 1992 and one of the few Assembly members who at 98 is facing the bulldozer of Christian Socialists and Christian Democrats during the neoliberal Constitutional Assembly. Former Secretary Corruption in the government of Rafael Correa Delgado. Firm and supportive

always with the sister Republic of Cuba, often coordinating the activities of solidarity with the island and permanent promoter of culture through Guayasamín Foundation.

We hope that his political experience and his quality as a human being to achieve an optimal management of the new challenge to take on as Minister of the Interior.

(Fernando Cornejo León)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Do Electric Heaters Cause Sinus Infections


By: Dante Palma
(Piblicado originalmene in the Journal Veitirés)

Probably there has been no review of the years of Nestor Kirchner in power that would not do emphasized that his leadership marked the return and claim the policy on the economy. Hence, although I assume that the complexity of contemporary societies require to be more cautious and take into account a lot of nuances, it would be quite improper to take as variables the tension between economics and politics as the axis on which to explain, at least the difference between the prevailing trend in the 90 and the paradigm shift that spanned much of the first decade of the century.
If we interpret politics as circumscribed to actions that come from the Government, poor but useful definition for the purposes of this note, it is clear that the process of self-reduction of the state in pursuit of private interests and forces "harmonics" that govern the market, represents a cut of the possibilities of politics. Based on a modern conception of freedom, neo-liberals interpret that any state interference is harmful and detrimental to the pursuit of individual desires and ideals of the good life of each individual. Protection of private property over physical and legal security. No more than that. Everything else maximalism embodies the danger of state. Obviously, the implosion of 2001 was a change in economic policy but That does not necessarily imply a variation in the conception of the role that the State must meet for high exchange rate and hence the natural promotion of exports is not, in itself, synonymous with anti-liberal economic policy. But since 2003, the nationalization of some utilities, renegotiating debt, independently of the IMF, the FTAA Not generally a policy of outright opposition to the guidelines of the Washington Consensus, were changes visible that appeared as factual support what was, gradually and even with infinite number of flats, a process of cultural transformation that would reinstate a conception of State and society that says that policy should be determined to economics and not vice versa.
But what means this change? What depths acquired? In what field is being waged? The answer is difficult but to try an approach I borrow the philosopher Michel Foucault an idea of \u200b\u200bthe significance of the market for neoliberalism. At the risk
countless other inaccuracies, I would rebuild part of the argument that the French philosopher stated in his course at the College de France in the year 78-79 and was published in book form under the name The Birth of Biopolitics. For Foucault, the liberal tradition that proclaims by a minimal state stands on the market as the court of good governance. Thus, it is the economy that will determine the market politics is the thermometer to assess government actions. The market not only serves as a limit to the sovereignty of political power as the place where "should not go" but also that will determine whether the policy is "on the right track." Thus, Foucault asserts that the market went from being a place where it appears the "justice" to a place where it appears the "truth", ie that which was originally a market square where there was a regulation that allowed achieve a fair price for a product and which limited the possibilities of fraud, there is now a market where what appears is a "truth" that will give an account of what government actions are right and which wrong. And here we return to the Argentine case and ask ourselves are we not today witness of those tough neo-liberal forces in the opposition attempt to assert that the employer to assess what the government does is the market? Is it not said, finally, that since the market is the place of truth, the reaction of the operators of our "City" is what marks the pulse and allow us to determine if the government does well or wrong? Is not it suggests that if the government is not telling the truth about the numbers from INDEC, the entire policy, not just economic, it is a farce? Finally, the fact that economists, almost as a kind of postmodern mediums, are those that citizens and governments should listen to know the future of the country and to act on it, is not part of this trend of genuflection of politics with the economy?
It is from this idea that can shed light, for example, one of the central axis CFK exhibited at the last meeting of the G20 and that would be embedded in the tradition of true Peronism, as to profess economic independence. I am referring to criticism of the Rating Agencies. If they still exist, you will remember from the time of the Alliance when we show the "country risk" and the mainstream media amplified their diagnosis every 30 minutes next to the price of the dollar and the wind chill that always came in the form of "wave "whether heat is cold. The "Country risk" was never presented as the qualification that makes a particular company, interested in advising clients with significant capital. Rather it is presented as a truth, that you can quantify when a country is "risky." Furthermore, this notion of "risk", almost like a slippery slope, is not confined to the area of \u200b\u200bthe disadvantages that an economy can bring to a particular investor, but on a fast chain of signifiers, covers social, political and legal. Thus, governments in the region are making steps that are "verified" by the counter that adds or subtracts points depending on how much we get closer to what the market space that has ceased to be a fair exchange to become that of the true, desired.
This X-ray and diagnosis are used by Foucault as a chapter of his unfinished story of truth. For any reader distracted, we can say that such history is not the failures and errors of human civilization that eventually end up being desasnados by enlightened souls who are above the mediocrity of the time in which they live. It is, rather, a story of "veridiction" that is, the ways in which each historical context the powers that be decided what was true and what that truth will eventually manifest space. This idea could Foucault emphasized, then, seeks not to say that the return policy is that now the truth will be told by the State or government but simply that the truth is a land dispute and that there is "One Truth" but multiple perspectives. Return policy Kirchner's hand then it should stop teaching: it is not one truth that appeared in the guidelines of the ruling party or we can describe politics in terms of true or false or morally , good or bad. For this is Pino Solanas and Carrio, candidates for the position of heavenly creatures life. Rather, the return of the political means to challenge the narrative space to the market and the economy in general, failed to show a "real truth" objective would be to "politics" but to point out that behind this apparent aseptic space that is "the market" are squatting interests, neither true nor false, just interested.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Darker Skin In Pubic Areas


is from a couple of weeks but it is worth re-reading.

"President Chavez, I go to sing to his country. Would I allow it? You give me your word that nothing will happen or my audience or my people or the company or me? If you give me permission and gives us his word that nothing will happen I close my tour in Venezuela. You have the word "(This Sanz published in twitter)


Mr Alexander: You know what it means to be a slave without a chain ... Slave without chains, is simply to continue to be slaves without loading the shackles ... Why do not you ever wonder why yet as to why Venezuela is attacked with heavy artillery only powers Western?

Or is it that forms part of them and you get the distracted? Learn
my friend, and ask for Colombia is considered one of the nations where there is more inequality because of governments that send only a few and the wealth is distributed to a privileged few, while Venezuela is recognized as the first country in the region when extreme poverty down so dramatically in the Chavez government.
Do not you ever called attention to after our country turned to the left, it automatically began to unite the majority of the peoples of Latin America, a clear sign of what people wanted? ... Do you ask permission

to come and sing?

Are not you ashamed to say that?
"In a democratic country where anyone can say what he pleases and not as you have?
'll tell you something: The majority of Latin Americans who raised their voices through the song, in protest against the endless injustices suffered by their people because of murderous dictatorships right ... I never asked permission to risk his life on behalf of the wretched, and at that time if they risked their skins ...
ever deigned to listen to any song turned into prose Don Atahualpa Yupanqui ...
Yes!, who called him the father of American folk song ...

Argentina fascist dictatorship pursued him and had to seek asylum in Europe, if you do not know the same as in Paris shared the stage with someone Call Edith Piaf ...
never told you the singer Victor Jara, the Chilean dictatorship of Pinochet, he cut the hands to ever return to play his guitar accompanied by his singing and not complying with it, shot him helpless in the Santiago soccer stadium ... Surely you knew

Mercedes Sosa, "the black of the South" as they called all people
American ... If you met her, I invite you to get on Youtube and hear singing: "I only ask of God" and then tell me ... This singer
people, singing in the city of La Plata in 79 the fascist dictatorship arrested her and all who dared to go to her sing. Also went into exile in Europe in Paris and Madrid, not to kill her ... You read

Mario Benedetti ever told us that "The South Also Exists", like his compatriot Alfredo Zitarrosa that of "Violin Becho" ...
They also were forced into exile in Europe after receiving death threats ...
A Lion Gieco, a general put a gun to a hundred, saying: "The next time you come to sing to the University of Luján and sing that song I'm going to get shot in the head", referring to "Iron Men" ...

Guarani also had to leave like the Nacha Guevara, who planted a bomb in a theater while singing, Argentine fascists ...
If even the tango Cambalache forbade radio stations in Argentina's dictatorship! ... And Our unparalleled CANTAUTOR FIRST ALI, WHO WAS VETOED ALL YOUR LIFE in the Venezuelan media. Cheer

!!... And write a song, from the miseries of the world ... Tell us about the forgotten
Haiti, thousands and thousands of dead in Iraq, in Afghanistan, the famine in Africa, of malnutrition in Latin poor, abysmal inequality between rich and poor, the endless women murdered in Ciudad Juarez, children forced to work robándoseles only thing worth living in this crazy life, "his children" ...
Learn, write, do not come just to sing ... and do a media show, be honest, do not deceive your followers.

Walk the slums of people clamoring for equalities, the shantytowns of the homeless ... the 40 million poor people in USA, now converted into 50 million excluded.
And then tell me if you still have forces

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Can Dogs Get Ankylosing Spondylitis


Source: Noticialista (Argentina)

For Carlos Antúnez
We listen, we read, we see almost daily in the media, on posters plastered on the walls, marches and complaints.
From left most revolutionary social democracy to a sweetened with a bit of popular nationalism. In all their statements, from Pino Solanas to Altamira and Castells, we are told that the Government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and his predecessor Nestor Kirchner are not really what they claim, popular governments, but they really are populist People who cheat the right prohijando big business of multinationals to enrich and accumulate power to continue enriching. Weighed against other Latin American governments that actually if national and popular they are doing the true popular revolution, that if they access the National Government pursued.
So we put the examples of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela of Chavez, Correa's Ecuador or the Multiethnic Bolivia Evo Morales. And all his verbose display paraphernalia singing the praises of the true American patriots against the bourgeois and popular "K".
Until there all "close" all the all voices, all hands all. But what forget those good little boys is that despite wanting to run the government "for left" and have the powerful tribunes of mass media concentrates (Solanas regular at TN and Grondona), the Town has some ability to detect "vendehumos" and it has tools that easily crumble his speech as the Internet.
Thanks to these tools, we can see that they say the respective "enlightened left" in each of these countries.
In Ecuador we find the Popular Democratic Movement, which in its Declaration of Principles says, "Workers, peasants, teachers, students, professionals, artisans, intellectuals, artists. Men and women, Democrats and patriots have joined together to give life, to structure the Democratic Popular Movement, political organization of the peoples of Ecuador proposed the conquest of a popular government, patriotic, democratic and revolutionary ", that is a true People's Party and mass from Argentina, and according to the tenets of our Left should be unconditional support to President Correa, but it is not. The MPD is unionized, together with the Indigenous Movement Pachacutik to support the assassination attempt against President Correa. The Pachakutik indigenous call for the impeachment of the President hostage, then demanding the intervention of external actors to investigate what happened, that way the discourse of national diversity and autonomy of indigenous people come together with the specific request of an external intervention national political process, in the same way the "radical anti-imperialist MPD" breaking down his revolutionary rhetoric, unheard discourse juggle, climb to the police vans to harangue passers-by to support the alleged claims of "armed people" *.
Obviously, the attempt failed coup and assassination, the MPD agrees with the most reactionary Right in Ecuador that the coup was no such thing and that was to blame for everything Correa. But better, go to the source. In an article entitled "What happened" Mr. "President" published in No. 174, November 2010 in the newspaper "New Nation" in a paragraph saying.
... "And if we talk about criminals, you are solely responsible for the events of 30 September and their backs are 8 or 10 people that day, Bosco Wisum the teacher and all those who die in the hands of hired killers and insecurity, because instead of governing has been dedicated to insult and lie bear false witness.
If you left I'm Santa Claus, the real left is the MPD is courageous people has been at the forefront of defending the interests of workers, students, teachers, peasants, impoverished by the traditional oligarchy and now you. "He concluded the note saying. "" Lord "Correa words reassures us that we are on the right path, nor the traditional right nor to you, traitor of the people and Lambón of the Yankees, we are with the people and continue with him, to make our country an area of \u200b\u200bfreedom, life, dignity and justice for all. "
is, the guilt of the dead is actually mounted strap that farce to accumulate power and popular demands silence. Exactly the same explanation of the right-wing Patriotic Society.
Furthermore, to claim as true revolutionaries of the Patria Grande do not hesitate to praise, as opposed to the government of President Correa, the governments of Bolivia and Venezuela. In an article entitled "Some ideas about the coup that never was" they say. "His inclination to the right. These and many other facts make any comparison with Venezuela and Bolivia are wrong and do not allow a fruitful discussion. Neither Chavez and Evo have said they are not anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist, as it does with Hilary Clinton Correa said during his visit to Ecuador, nor have the ravings of Ecuadorian ruler increasingly remote from their constituents and grassroots organizations. "
In Bolivia, we found the Partido Obrero Revolucionario (POR). They are defined as SECTION LIAISON COMMITTEE FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL (CERCI) for a workers government anti-imperialist revolutionary peasants against (FRA) SOCIALIST THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Well, according to the vision of "true revolutionaries" both of Argentina, and Ecuador, the FOR should be a staunch ally Evo Morales' MAS. I regret to inform you that it is not. Let's see what you think of their government.
In an article posted on his blog entitled "EVO DRAG IS LOOKING TO THE RECONCILIATION PREFECTS" says: "The dialogue between government and prefects has shown to what extent Evo and his government are miserable lackeys of the bourgeoisie. Evo's dream is to win the confidence of operators and leave the arm with them, said when President Lula of Brazil visited Bolivia with a delegation of Brazilian businessmen saying ENVY A LULA WHY HAS THE SUPPORT OF EMPLOYERS.
The dialogue has shown that the FOR said: THE GOVERNMENT IS BOURGEOIS MAS in politics that develops between him and the rightist opposition no substantive differences are blood brothers defenders operating system and capitalist oppression. In the famous dialogue Did discussed the problems of the exploited: the lack of jobs, poor wages, the peasant's land hunger, extreme poverty, sovereign control over natural resources, etc..? No, the whole discussion revolves around who controls political power and economic resources of the state. The Indian impostor and the rightwing opposition are two of a kind, decadent expression of the native ruling class, unable to solve national problems, a servant of imperialism. "
But that rascal is this Evo, has us all fooled. Luck is the enlightened vanguard of the POR that helps us open our eyes.
And finally, the great Satan of the Empire, the country that wants to export its revolution and submit to all free peoples of the continent.
Managed by Hugo Chávez, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is what they call a thorn in the Empire. We see this all the rights throughout Latin America hate and fear, while all left the worship at its peak. Do all, safe?
PPT found in Venezuela, a detachment of the PSUV President Chávez. How do they Venezuelan reality?
"People want answers and solutions, claims, safety and housing. The priority is the fight with the Church. What the people are crying peace and development," said Henri Falcón, Lara State Governor, surrounded by activists and leaders of the blue awning in the neighboring state. The country is tired, "he said of the confrontation, wants efficiency, effectiveness, performance, ensure compliance with the Constitution. What we have today, said, "is a caricature of what the people approved the Constitution. Lamented the struggles that national government encourages the Church and the media. "Venezuelans are asking for solutions to the problems of security, housing and unemployment."
The PPT, would be like a social version of the Venezuelan left, let's see the most revolutionary left, embodied in the Workers International League Fourth International. They make this evaluation of Chávez's Venezuela.
"in Venezuela need a revolutionary workers party to challenge Chávez and imperialism and its henchmen. For yes. What we do with all the patience in the world with our class, explaining, explaining and explaining to workers the class character of the Bonaparte, we have no more rapidly than our class has. But as soon as workers give the first signs of being ready for combat will be called to oust Chavez and his armed forces as befits a revolutionary policy against any bourgeois state. Along with international, are facing the Chavez regime. When almost all the left capitulates to Chavez, we say clearly: 'We are not Chavez, we are revolutionary socialists. On the other hand, Chavez's anti-imperialist struggle is so inconsequential that even stop paying Venezuela's foreign debt. "
With what we deduce that the Big Lie Chávez, was once a fantastic all in evidence. The Bourgeois Chavez runs left to its competitors to remain in power and do big business on behalf of itself and the Venezuelan bourgeoisie do not know because he attacks. Clear.
EPILOGUE ma non troppo:
Actually it's all too confusing. It idolize processes in their countries are attacked. If there is something difficult to explain is why the Latin American left find it so difficult to see what exalts himself while putting the alien as an example of what should be done. Why in the background always play for which theoretically are their enemies taking positions as incomprehensible as antagonistic to what they claim to defend. One example was the position of Project South and some class left in Argentina to support the SRA during the conflict over the 125 or the above mentioned case in Ecuador.
More difficult to explain, for the Left, is the communion of both affections as showing all the goals mentioned during the funeral Presidents Nestor Kirchner of bygone days.
is strange but all such statements appear on all copied and Peoples cases show how far are those who claim to represent vanguards.
Sancho Cosa vedere non credere.
* Source Andean Center for Strategic Studies (Ecuador)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mucus Newborn Baby Throat


By: Fernando Cornejo León

to last night had been chatting with friends on twitter Argentine census and the right intentions of sabotage had not gone through our head to find a similar story. Today dawned to write the findings of a community mental health project and I find this sad news that silenced an entire country stunned many supporters of democracy, human rights and freedom.

Nestor was the 54th president of Argentina, Mayor of his native Rio Gallegos, Governor of the Province of Santa Cruz and is currently serving as President of the Peronist Party, National Deputy for the Province of Buenos Aires and Secretary General of UNASUR was the husband of the current President of Argentina Cristina Fernandez.

Long political career with existing efforts in local government earned him strengthen his influence in the remote province of Santa Cruz, arrives at the 2003 presidential election in the midst of the most important crisis that has lived in Argentina. Dela candidates defeated old political class and placed second in the electoral preference should play the second round with the former president and head of the crisis in Argentina Carlos Menem. The latter to see that the polls gave him to lose at least a three to one in an undemocratic maneuver withdraws his candidacy and Kirchner is elected. Menem's move meant leaving weakened the legitimacy of the elected government, but failed.

During his time as President was a significant drop in poverty levels, poverty and unemployment had soared after the ultra-liberal measures of the government of Menem and De la Rua radical, it managed to get to Argentina from the yoke of the IMF, reserves gained international credibility and rcuperó country. Another government resctatar fields of Néstor Kirchner has been the tireless struggle for human rights, in person took down the portrait of former genocidal dictator Rafael Videla general gallery of the armed forces and gave a major boost from the State to trial for crimes against humanity committed during the dictatorship have process. A militant Peronist

Mark sums up his opinion via facebook: "A person who taught us that will come out of chaos and hell" and that is my general view, when the result of neoliberal policies hunger, poverty and unemployment were seen in Argentina, developmental policies, the search for the redistribution of wealth and proud and sovereign action against international markets managed to shore up the country, making the Argentina at the moment is one of the three countries of the world's fastest growing economy.

I was lucky to live in Argentina during part of Nestor and Cristina, and I witnessed such policies as universal child allowance, the encouragement of agriculture, the pursuit of higher eduacion recovery, science and technology and government investment in order to generate value products added to escape the commercial unit to be exporters of raw materials. The wages recover their purchasing power and quality of life of Argentines in a few years back from a major way.

I also witnessed the unconscionable efforts right peridístico oligopoly led by other means such as Clarin and La Nacion daily are in charge of media operations to discredit the government and creating political chaos in order to yield it.

personally saw as the country was headed for ruin because of the neo-liberal Menem, Duhalde, Rodriguez Saa, Murphy and Carrie Loperz head I saw the damage caused extreme privatization, I saw he had lost his sovereignty. But mostly I saw a group of patriots, and patriots Peronist fought hard leaving their forces, their families and health, and among them was leading the companion Nestro Kirchner.

corrupt press always criticized for using the bag open, the peluconería criticized him for the way her ease talking and saying things, I heard very little criticism of substance, as always stayed on the forms.

The last memory I have of Nestor was when I took a plane on an urgent basis due to Guayaquil, to exercise its role as Secretary General of UNASUR, went to the scene where a group of conspirators attempted to make a coup in Ecuador, the journey did not realize it was because it was decided that the meeting of Heads of State made in the same Buenos Aires. But I stayed clear their statements and their firm intention to strengthen democracy and unity in the continent.

can not say that today we will be only memories of Nestor Kirchner, the process of change and transformation of Argentina today began what he carries on his companion Cristina Fernandez, right aprovecharlse ruthless and heartless will seek the death of Nestor to destabilize the institutions of Argentina and belongs to us as militants change processes on the continent, be vigilant and to strengthen Argentina's Cristina and boost the reelection of the president in this coming 2011.

With this humble writing more full of emotion that wisdom is this city page and pay tribute to Nestor Carlos Kirchner, who'll join the Peron, Evita Campora and caring for the Argentine attacks genocidal and repressive right.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chinese Crested Breeder In Las Vegas


By: Santiago Ortiz

In the morning of October, the newspaper El Comercio de Quito became front-page headlines in their version of events of the day before the country was the insubordination of a police group.

Was actually a police riot that occurred on Thursday 30 September?
To answer this question the first thing to locate who is behind the news. The mainstream press in Latin America, especially in countries with progressive governments, assumes a script aimed at distorting reality, find the respective government's mistakes and stop the processes of change that is occurring in the region. This is due to the new role they have acquired the media as transnational and ideological power within countries and bodies involved in political struggle, which operate at the weakness of the old parties.
The events of that Black Thursday clearly reveal more than a riot shows an organized process: the police actions were synchronized in all provinces, cut roads and took the airports in Quito and Latacunga, the legislative guard prevented the meeting of the National Assembly. later repressed the demonstrators who supported democracy and government, where police attacked ambulances carrying wounded soldiers, groups linked to the Patriotic Society forcibly entered the public television hit many ministers are trying to reach Quito Regiment and during the day secuestró al Presidente, se le agredió en siete ocasiones y se atacó a bala -con francotiradores apostados en las terrazas de edificios colindantes -  perforando el auto en donde los complotados creían que iba el Presidente,  asesinando  a miembros de su escolta. 
Los sucesos se dieron en medio de un escenario propicio para demostrar un vacío de poder, pues mientras  en las calles se producían saqueos y los medios de comunicación amplificaban la confusión, State the main functions stopped working, the legislature could not meet, the President of the Assembly was out of the country, the Vice President was returning from a trip and stayed in Guayaquil, Quito unable to reach and President was kidnapped.
Significantly newspapers like El Comercio in its edition of October 1 have argued that it is a police revolt by corporate demands and put the ink in blame the president for his failure to have gotten into? the Cave Bear?. For them there is no constitutional crisis, no democracy is in danger or has endangered the life of a President.
But clearly the facts show something more than a misguided union action. Looking at the script of the coup d'état of 21 January 2000, when the Gutierrez brothers led a military coup against Jamil Mahuad, you can better understand the logic of events current. Ten years ago there was discontent in the ranks of the armed forces, support of indigenous people and was carried on an armed movement that culminated with the departure of Mahuad and the coming to power of Vice President Gustavo Noboa.
Certainly the current unrest was another scenario that happened. Then it was headed by a neoliberal government did? Bailout? to encourage banks and dollarized the country, today we have a progressive government. The dimensions of the unrest that occurred then were different, having an arc of popular and indigenous forces that resisted the government's unpopular measures. In addition, the coup ten years ago was in the context of a long process of political crisis and deinstitutionalization.
But the tactics and the script of the current movement are very similar to that moment: today there are corporate claims with symbolic elements such as bonuses, Christmas baskets and decorations, base of the riot police, there were also scattered union action of public servants and statements of two or three indigenous leaders. However, unlike a decade ago, the actions were not intended to overthrow and expel the President, as happened with Mahuad, who was willing to go to Harvard. Today was the assassination attempt and reveals the beating, kidnapping and bullets against the President.
Returning to the union level must recognize that the discomfort of police stations and other government agencies were produced by the Public Service Act and the President's veto. The management of labor issues by government employees has generated reactions from various state agencies to the extent that meetings were convened and several ministries were about to be taken by employees who announced actions against the said Act Certainly this is the result of the failures of government and in particular its arrogant attitude in the discussion of laws, using the veto and other mechanisms, without opening the debate and without negotiation with other actors.
This Act and the Higher Education, the Water Law, the Organic Code of Territorial Autonomy and Decentralization Organization, Cooter, Communications Act, are laws that make transition from the regime established by the Constitution of Montecristi, which were prepared by teams of government and have been oriented to consolidate and streamline the state, affecting some aspects of public servants. This is a modernization process in full swing fact where they are in addition to laws, policies, rules and style of abuse and repression of social organizations, under the approach they are pursuing corporate interests and the government's call to care for the common good: This sowed resentment by either side.
This broth culture is maneuvering an organization that has a political and a military component, similar to the January 21, with a strategy and a political purpose. This is not a spontaneous movement. There is someone who cares for months to open contacts, create networks, promote riots, police training, arming pickets and rallies, convincing some politicians to articulate one? National front? to cover and legitimize their actions.
But for a union movement becomes coup must have other sources of power: the military, a sector of the ruling elites and the approval of the Department of State. Guayaquil Mayor Jaime Nebot earlier ruled against the coup and later the Chamber of Industry and the Embassy of the United States: that is the revolt did not have the support of actors gravitating the political scene and did not meet the standards of a coup state that boasts of such.
The failure to meet certain parameters of a classic hit, does not mean it's not a hit, especially when the logic of revolt due to the strategy of groups seeking adventurous and turbulent river fishing in that print Creole style and plebeian to the event, as G. Long.
addition, conditions for the plot is not easy. Country Alliance is a coalition that has won elections in seven cases and controls various functions of the state, has broad popular support and the President has not dropped below 65% support in polls. Moreover, although Rafael Correa closed the base in Manta and sign the FTA, have improved relations with the State Department. On the other hand unlike the neo-liberal governments, the government has strengthened the role of armed Outliers in public enterprises and infrastructure construction. A soldiers and police have increased their wages and gave them modern equipment to the point that Armed Forces play a key role in the northern border.
therefore not supported by major factors of power and a government that has a broad democratic legitimacy conditions are not were very favorable to those who organized the armed insurgency. The group that orchestrated the revolt has clearly placed the leading role played by Rafael Correa at the summit of the ruling coalition and know that a vacuum at the apex, it would be a fatal blow for that political movement and the government, probably slow down the reform process that somehow or other, has driven Country Alliance. .
As Ecuadorians already have experience with Jaime Roldós at the beginning of democracy, when his death left an orphan to a broad democratic movement. Today an assassination could leave Alianza Pais, the government and the so-called Citizen Revolution beheaded, as the leader plays a key role in driving of this process and the legitimacy of the movement. A leader like Correa, with all the limitations, his naivete and arrogance, it would be easy to replace, even more so when NATO country has done little to articulate an organized social base and a political movement. On the other hand, a dismembered and aimless right does not have options to succeed at the polls at least in the medium term.
And Correa's leadership is the great strength and great weakness of the Revolution called Citizens. Are aware that the conspirators and therefore suggest? Him down? the president. The adventurous nature of the group that led the mutiny had not necessarily a traditional coup, but to strike at the heart of the Citizen Revolution greatly weakened in the political and symbolic. Not a classic hit but the blow would begin with the death of President would open a period of chaos and uncertainty, which could be exploited by future plots, destabilizing maneuvers, conflicts and even armed clashes, which are experts in paramilitary groups. This would open conditions for the arrival of a right-wing, authoritarian government, with murders, State terrorism and systematic repression through.
If we follow the events of the day 30 we can understand the strategy of the groups that led the plot. In the early morning of 30 police began the uprising that had its epicenter in the Quito Regiment No. 1 but was synchronized, as noted above, in police stations across the country. When the government team met at the Presidential Palace to respond, the arrival of President Correa Quito Regiment No 1 changed the situation dramatically. This was naive to talk to the police riot, believing that there had friends, because they had improved wages and made several improvements to logistics. The President in her naiveté still believed that the police command civil authority and care for the population as ordinary Ecuadoreans know that police stations are not exactly a place of protection for citizens.
But the president himself realized that he had received, that it was a police riot, where there were characters who had infiltrated special weapons and giving orders to the troops. They attacked the president, as seen in several television channels, and this had to go to Hospital Police to heal, while the police placed chains with locks on the doors of access to the area and repelled the rest of the presidential entourage, including the Minister of Communication. It was precisely what we sought the armed commando operation: making revolt, concealed between the police and a list of demands, act in the midst of the confusion and threaten the life of the President. This was necessary for a group that ran the operation, since not only acts behind the scenes but also participates in public arenas legal.
The courage of Correa and his arrival at Quito Regiment, were given on a silver platter the scenario that they needed: a police riot, a president who got into the? Mouth Wolf? to provoke them and a bullet that was casual to the heart of President blinding life.
However the attitude of Rafael Correa and his speech had an unexpected result for the command criminal. When he opened his shirt and said? Kill me? was learning the game of the conspirators in the eyes of all who saw amazed the TV screens. It was evident that a group of police, called to maintain order under the command of the Constitution, were at his mercy the life of the President's Office.
Only for those who do not want to see, the police revolt was spontaneous. Most realized that there was no organization and that the confusion was preparing the assassination of the President of Ecuador. Even at international level were heard voices like Evo Morales in Bolivia and Hugo Chávez from Venezuela warning of danger, which mobilized the entire international community. The police of the various detachments who initially supported the measure, fell back, as well as several associations of public servants, the CONAIE also called to defend the Constitution.
The nature of the event had changed, character and trade union movement? Riot? had been transmuted into the maelstrom of events in a possible assassination and the beginning of a process of destabilization that will surely be crowned in a coup. Meanwhile the actors who support democracy are mobilized to free the President and in the midst of this dramatic situation the government team, the command of the armed forces and the international community acted quickly to avert the worst.
The situation was delicate. A wrong step endangered the lives of many people. And so the President's rescue operation, which started from noon, had to prepare for hours to find the best conditions for a fence and a military assault will result in safe and sound release Rafael Correa.
Advantageously the presidential guard and elite police group is stationed on the campus of the Citadel police managed to establish a hedge in the room on the third floor of the Hospital where he was the President, in order to defend it before the angry policemen who were stationed in the neighboring building, the regiment Quito. Several ministers had arrived at the scene and some of them accompanied the President.
morning the police Stripping generated climate unrest in several cities to criminals who seized the opportunity to rob banks and stores, in the afternoon the police of most provinces had retreated to their barracks and were trying to restore order under a state of emergency had decreed by the government. But the plotters were still operating, threatening the family of the President, reaching the media with messages offensive and calling for the resignation of the President. Agitators groups promoted by the plotters had tried to cut off Internet communication antennas cut to prevent communication to the public network, and finally forced entry to their facilities.
The hours passed and before nightfall the Forces-led operation Armed and GOE work. Throughout the country, thanks to a journalist Ecuavisa, saw images of the confrontation between elements of the armed forces and the GOE, on the one hand and police Quito Regiment. After half an hour of shooting, the President managed to be rescued by a miracle, killing at least ten people and wounding nearly a hundred.
The joint forces and the manner in which the events occurred failed to consummate a coup or assassination of President arrived, true, but it was evident that the facts Thursday 30 had a logic played a conspiracy in which political and military command and snipers, to perform an operation to undermine the president's life. Had significant level of organization that led to a simultaneous action of the police throughout the country in an armed struggle against democracy, which had coverage of certain political figures and media, who were responsible for distorting the facts and responsibilities turn, giving the government the blame for what happened;
Do the events of September 30 set a coup? The facts do not show a traditional coup, but a combination of a labor movement, organized an armed uprising, a criminal operation to kidnap and assassinate the President. In achieving this outcome, this would be the prelude to a 180 degree change in the political arena: the State was not the president, the Government and Country Alliance lost its leader, all of which created conditions for the destabilization the country, in fact a coup d'etat and the right opportunity. But this was not the end. The events, which often have an unpredictable course, allowed to come back to life the President to the Government Palace.
But this event also brings a new situation in the country: first open a clash of armed forces to civilian authority and the rule of law . Second in the shadows move a military policy group continues to operate in the country. Third, which is a sign that we have not advanced much in recent years: it confirms Armed Forces as a power factor that settles the conflict. Also another outcome is the attitude of the elite sectors of Quito, unaware increasingly democratic regime, spread a smoke screen and justify the plot, as a way to wear down the government of public revolution. Just as there are people like Nebot declaring the coup, there are individuals and groups of elites who would converge in a new coalition of those who have been affected by measures taken by the government.
in this area are sectors of the police. It is known that there is a core that has been acting independently, as revealed in the events of Angostura with the Special Investigations Unit (UIES), which has not been removed. This is compounded by the discomfort of a large group of officers in positions of command in the police, involved in human rights violations by the reopening of judgments based on the Report of the Truth Commission led by Sister Elsie Monge. Finally there are the corrupt networks that exist in the police force and which can be linked to extralegal act.
Moreover bankers are resentful because they took away the privileges they had in economic policy decisions. Many of these bankers have a rapprochement with Lucio Gutierrez from the election, gave resources to the campaign and will surely continue to fund. Are some media with his double face: which advocate? freedom? and misrepresenting the truth, creating an image of a country living in chaos and insecurity, which exacerbates poverty and unemployment, blaming it on the government of Rafael Correa. As in other countries in Ecuador and to the bankruptcy of the 'party, the media assume a political role, organizing and agitating to society.
These are the main actors of this new strategy. It is possible that this time were unsuccessful, but it is clear that the danger continues and that this event can be repeated if there is no command to remove the leads.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

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By: Alfredo Vera A.

actors now appear old political episodes, again, as they say the boys in the neighborhood, "the pee caught" who are supposed adversaries, the executors of fake bloody battles, but when defending privileges or patterns themselves, have no scruples to come together and make war potential changes that Ecuadorian society is demanding.

Ecuador had to decide at the polls if he accepted the proposal of continuity, represented by tycoon Noboa ignorant and traitorous brother of Lucio (actor shameful misdeeds), or chose a proposal "to change" represented by a new figure with no history without ties to politicians and financial groups, banks and major owners, used to manage and manipulate the policy shops of all ideologies.

The vast majority of citizens chose the path of change and supported the need to create a new legal order that is idealized in a constitution which, with ups and downs, successes and contradictions, was confirmed for the first time in history national referendum in a landslide, understanding that it is imperative to change a tool to facilitate project implementation.

defeated minorities begin to fall "unmasked" to come together without shame and to recruit individuals or small groups who have doubts or repudiate the philosophy and how to implement these changes.

also begins to investigate and report possible insurance or diversion of corruption and fraudulent use that fall opportunistic elements linked to the government and the people they govern, such as vociferous that disgusting , brazen and reckless president's brother, Cain, who racked up lucrative contracts with the admitted traffic of influences, ending up as one of the "leaders" of the opposition fanesca.

Filled with hatred go fishing in troubled laughed personal ambitions defense fiefdoms and sinecures, such as certain eternal university presidents or directors of municipalities that manage water as their own, or co-owners of the media, bankers and large employers, accustomed to being consultants and guides "ad honor" those in power.

If the people and history will not remember the fragility of memory that is weakened by the daily struggle for survival, there can forget, for example, those of the MPD and some "partners ready" as Ayala Mora , Embraced with Nebot and Democratic Social Christian and popular combo, trying to destroy the small changes and controls that could implement, because the law and the balance of power was no more, the government of Rodrigo Borja, which also to do positive things, among others, such as literacy and bilingual education, I tried to order handling and brakeman dominance exercised by the MPD in this area, at all levels.

same thing happened in 1998, was intended to bring about change, and facing the indigenous-led Assembly and movements social, shamelessly and publicly took off the mask and Hurtado Nebot to materialize the "pact of the bulldozer", acolytes once again by the MPD and some "partners ready," the lottery were drawn with the banking disaster.

What are the characteristics of minorities today defeated the shameless promotional sponsorship of bankers, journalists, empresaurios, from the trenches of the National Assembly?

· have no leaders and politicians worth of failed and Blacksmithing (renegade deserter ID), Paez (bury the ID); Montufar (emerging into public life funded by USAID, the CIA mask), Cobo (Col. Lucio Siamese) and nebotcistas.
· Manage destructive language to oppose everything, whether black or white, big or small, using the style "Contreras", without proposing anything in return: not because they do not.
· speak on behalf of the citizenry, the people, the country, when arrejuntarse minorities, lack of identity and solvency have one objective: to overthrow the present for me to resume the reins the past.
· Among them are mixed they are "neither fish nor fowl", used to float in several waters, always worried of balsa hold the most promise. And those that are not nothing at all for mediocrity, used to having a master pattern.

case anyone forgets, we must reaffirm that fate, circumstance or permanent in this nation, encuesteros above, is determined by the will of the people placed on the ballot and followed repeatedly has demanded changes, confirming who he is considered the leader of that transformation dçebe made, correcting mistakes, over the crocodile tears of those who were "unmasked" .-

Sunday, July 18, 2010

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: Missed Opportunity

By: Fernando Cornejo León

In this article I will not complain as Chiriboga in tandem with global Vizuete left us, nor I will refer to as the eleven of Maradona were left paralyzed by a German machine after machine was not to be so. The aim of this paper is trying to do a reading of the role played by state-owned media during the global transmission.

At first blush seemed more than reasonable and necessary to open TV channels broadcast all the matches, but the coverage of cable or satellite TV so low and football becoming the biggest sport and widespread in our country, we have always believed that sport is for everyone and not for having to pay a signal.

The State as owner of exclusive channels had a golden opportunity to break the sad tradition of sports journalism Ecuador, with very few exceptions lack of professionalism and in many cases do not have even basic standards of general education.

He could have made a coverage of football and not soccer South Africa, to various approaches to culture and socio-political reality, could have known the history of the continent and a country that has much to teach us about discrimination, social struggles and dialogues.

But in reality there was neither the one nor the other, football transmissions were weak as possible, taking into account that the international signal was coming for everyone who needed only count games well, with simplicity and certainty technique. TC

GamaTV and rapporteurs gave us vague, they did not know the name of those who were on the court and given the limitation of being off the screen from repeated Ecuador names. I know that Forlan is a major player but could not self-made three passes in the words of the story of Mr. Paco Alvarez, we know that the new map of Europe is complicated but we must not confuse Slovenia with Slovakia, especially when one of the two is on the court.

As commentators with the exception of Diego Arcos, we had a man believed to be an urban poet and has the ability to put together a sentence with as many adjectives and nouns and ultimately meaningless. I came to count one minute and twenty seconds of a speech confusing and full of baroque, I'm sure it does not educate the viewer on football matters and provides anything like a strategic and tactical analysis. Outside

game reports were a shame to see a man who calls himself "hinchapelotas" by an African leader to repeat the phrase "you're my husband" taking advantage of the good faith of the respondent and teaching the "acceptable" conduct which is discriminatory and arrogant when you have a microphone and a camera.
In a nutshell, and I hate to say, the state media also misled us and did what the media linked to the large oligarchies of the country.

can say that there was lack of budget to address technology DirecTV are nothing and may have a point, but if we talk to prioritize expenditures that were not understood by two commentators put the transmission in order not to interrupt his speeches took turns at intervals of fifteen minutes, while it had gone much cheaper to have a reporter and commentator on the scene which helped the story's accuracy, continuity in the commentary and better transmission quality. This fact was demonstrated in the match between Korea and Uruguay in which alternated Oscar Portilla and Diego Arcos, the only occasion on which the transfer went smoothly and without the pitfalls of a man desperately calling from South Africa to their peers in Guayaquil to give his opinion (atenti-atenti!!)

The state TV lost a golden opportunity and who knows if it happens again, it might have made a revolution in sports broadcasting, may have tried to educate on that was on the court and off it could have been placed on the stage of commentators and young people with the security training in the country and have no chances of being in a World Cup because they are not owners or shareholders of mass media, instead gave us more of the same.

The only complaint we hear from critics has always been on government advertising during the games, I continue claiming the government's need to convey your message in the media on which you have the opportunity because of the inability to do otherwise by the character of outspoken opposition of most of the private media. But I also can not be complicit in a mediocre production that led us to have a really scary world as far as transmission is concerned.

The opportunity to demonstrate that life is not necessary to sell his soul to the devil to hire a private signal that gives us a football game was diluted from the antics of "hinchapelotas" long and tedious diatribes and prayers Bonafont display of a reporter named Gutiérrez. It was change much and could not or was not willing to make a real shame.

Friday, July 9, 2010

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language Notes: President. TRUTH COMMISSION

By: Mauricio Dávila

Alvarado recently, has circulated on the Internet a message seeking ideological arguments to convince us that the noun chair is just a "nonsense feminism, leftist current product that has blown recent times in Latin America, and also makes an analysis simpleton who pretends to be grammatical and nothing but a priori review of standards misquoted.

First, it should be clarified that claims of gender, although have revolutionized the world, are not "left", but have gradually been taking place for over 100 years, directly related to the strengthening of the incursion of women into areas that previously were only for boys. Doctor, psychologist, architect, medical ..., cashier, are words that were not before the female form, and there are some that even scratch until today when we hear our eardrum. But this is only by custom.

But this type of provision should be made from the strictly technical-gramitical. Thus, we can provide that, between words and known as active participles ending in-nte, there are those that are adjectives (singer, who sings) and those that are substantive (singer, who sang for the profession). The active participle of the verb attack is attacker, the suffering is suffering and chair, president.

Then, like all Latin present participle, the word president was at first only an adjective, which served to express the quality of the subject but, over time, became a noun, ie the subject itself. Thus, the noun, that is, to become a subject, there is the possibility that given the morphological characteristic of the genre itself, which is usually the change the last letter, but the change is not always to our liking (think "singer"!).

The evolution of language, languages \u200b\u200band languages \u200b\u200bmakes include or exclude terms that are invented words or mutate, and these issues do not arise from the law itself nor the mere grammatical analysis, but the practices and customs of the people. And the Royal English Academy which, taking into account the uses and needs of English speakers, which included the word chairman of its Dictionary ... through grammatical analysis and social and without having recourse to ideological arguments.

And it should be clear that which is not the English Royal Academy is to be leftist.

In conclusion, the word itself president is correct and is also included in the dictionary of the Royal English Academy (DRAE), which, in its twenty-second edition 2001, says president
. F. Woman president. rather than ideological passions. This has nothing to do with splits "artificial and unnecessary from the point of view of language" as the citation of "children" or "citizens", who so contribute little to the discourse and can be overcome by the use generic masculine.
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Thursday, June 10, 2010

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By: Fernando Cornejo

While still living in Buenos Aires there was a mobilization of the whole motley where landowners protected by the Company

Rural Argentina, the rightwing parties and pro-dictatorship sectors gathered a group of people in a the parks of Palermo to protest against the government of Cristina Fernández. One of the "arguments" of the protest was the policy of the Argentine government's human rights after 30 years pushed the punishment of those responsible for genocide committed in the 70 and 80.
these same advocacy groups Videla, Masera and whole bunch of murderers, claiming the actions of the dictatorship under the pretext of fighting terrorism, when asked about the deaths of innocent people (remember that there were 30 000 disappearances, abductions excluding newborns ) the response ranged from "
have done something" through the
"should have killed you all for national security, crime would not now"
. These groups sought to validate the systematic repression and irregular state as normal in a speech very similar to that put forward by Bush, Uribe and Santos with respect to preventive war.
On 3 May 2007, President Rafael Correa, created by Executive Decree
Commission of Truth

in order to clarify and prevent impunity for acts of violence and human rights violations attributed to State. On June 8 this year published the report.
not make an abridgment of it, for it would suggest that readers turn to the source, I emphasize only one of the main points is that which confirms that under President Leon Febres -Cordero "systematic and widespread deprivation was committed illegal freedom, torture, extrajudicial executions and enforced disappearances "

[1] . Many will say that this was a known truth, especially by those who were around people who were persecuted by the mere thought of differently from the neoliberal regime, however should be pointed out that the basic objective of the presence of an entity like this is the to "reduce the number of lies that circulate without anyone unfolds, changing the public under

[2] " experience back to Argentina, that report" Never Again "from
Commission chaired by Ernesto Sabato, brought to light what the whole country knew but few dared to say and became the subject of systematic disappearances and murdered by the dictatorship in a truth which only fools and extremists as I portray the beginning of this article can deny. The report made mnésiscos engrams settled in the community the truth and gave official support to governments with political will and the Nestor and Cristina start to act, to press on with sanctions because

Justice to intervene.
The aim of the report of the Commission
Ecuador is the same, we acknowledge with shame that still circulates in the collective imagination the image of Febres-Cordero as a fighter against terrorism does not exist, well supported image by the media and by many decades of control of the judiciary by social-Christian forces employed Febres-Cordero and de facto power groups.

With the emergence of a report that exposes and reveals the truth that was known by many but not formalized, surely the reaction of those who appear to defend himself, having lost their privileges or ignorance fantasize that they are repressed.

wield Seguro fallacies will range from the classic "are chasing me" (as said by Nebot yesterday) to the ridiculous "something be done" so poor arguments forget that when someone violates the law should be tried and sentenced by the judiciary and police and military forces and the same executive should not interfere as administrators of justice agencies and even the worst criminals have the right to defend themselves in court.
From the standpoint of social psychology is expected that before the revelation of a subject that was taboo reactions have most backward sectors but is also very important to have broken the silence and the first time since the state recognizes that something went well and was not isolated situations but systematized facts and held in silence by the power group that managed the country for years.

Congratulations report the
Commission, the government's political will

Revolution and in the collective memory and enter a new chapter in my call to the social and political groups to pressure the judiciary which is responsible for taking action against those responsible for state crimes that occurred between 1984 and 88, remember that many of them are alive and exercising power functions.

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Monday, June 7, 2010

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This page pays tribute to one of the best minds that have given our land, Bolívar Echeverría philosopher and thinker who died last Saturday.
We join the continent feels pain after losing one of its most brilliant children, copy his biography from his own website ( Bolívar Echeverría was born in Riobamba, in 1941. He earned the title of Master of Arts in Philosophy at the Freie Universität Berlin (1968). At the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) finished her BA (1974). Later, in the same University, a Master in Economics (1991) and Ph.D. (1995).
Since 1973 he is a professor and researcher at the UNAM and other cultural institutions. Since 1968, translates and publishes books for the publishing industry mexicana (Siglo XXI, FCE, ERA, balancing, Ithaca). Has prepared and edited various cultural magazines: Pucuna (Quito, 1961-1964), Latin America (Berlin, 1962-1967), Political Papers (Mexico, 1974-1989), Palos (Mexico, 1980-1981), Political Economy (Mexico, 1976-1985) and Tests (Mexico, 1980-1988) and theoria (Mexico, since 1991). Among the institutions that have been invited to give courses and lectures are the following: Foundation Quito (1987), Centre for Research and Social Studies of Ecuador (CIESE, Quito, 1992), Institut Religionswissenschaftliches (Freie Universität Berlin, 1993) , Center for Economic Studies and Sociais (University of Coimbra, 1996), Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (1997, 1998), Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (1995, 1999), University of New York, "Fernand Braudel Center (1998), Lateinamerika Institut (Freie Universität Berlin, 2000), University of Pittsburgh (2001), La Salle University of New Orleans (2001), Kunsthochschule Braunschweig (2002) Harvard University (2004) and West Ontario University (2006). Since 1988 full-time professor of the Faculty of Arts at the Undergraduate and Graduate of the UNAM. Among the awards he has received are: National University Award for Teaching (Mexico, 1997), winner Pio Jaramillo Alvarado (FLACSO-Quito, 2004) and Critical Prize Libertador (Caracas, 2007).
Bolívar Echeverría is a philosopher, writer and researcher. In addition to academic work submitted groups has been part of intellectuals in creating cultural and political journals. His research appellants from the study of the work of Heidegger and Sartre, a reading of Marx's Capital and a development of the Critical Theory of Frankfurt, extending the thematic areas of the theory of culture, the definition of modernity and the interpretation of Latin American baroque. Currently coordinates in the UNAM, the University Seminar "Modernity: Versions and dimensions."
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

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Justice and the law of the jungle

Osvaldo Avila Figueroa (The Telegraph) Our Nation and the rest of the world, crime has grown more visible in the layers decreased, and almost hidden in the higher social level. Brutality against hardened criminal penalties are technified the national police, prison rehabilitation systems tested and even used to explore research and studies of the grounds to try to curb this social evil, but within the framework of laws . It has become customary in our country to apply the law of retaliation or justice into their own hands, not only in the Indian race, but in big cities. I remember some time ago, a large group of inhabitants of the citadel Martha Roldan, with incredible cruelty, massacre of a young, presumably arranchador, a witness was terrified by this act of savagery, exclaimed: "At the end of the day is a human being, who alone could judge it was God."
is not the first time the indigenous sector and applies to treachery proclaims its own law of the jungle. Today is updated with the case of Orlando Quishpe demeaning of the community of La Cocha. Without listening, he underwent harsh physical punishment and the most degrading humiliation, with the pretext that this form of justice is applied to purify the soul and redeem it. Advocates are reminded of this tradition that part of Article 171 of the Constitution, section Indigenous Justice, said: "The authorities shall apply rules and procedures for resolving their internal conflicts and they are not contrary to the Constitution and the rights recognized in international instruments. We emphasize the Article 424, of the same Code, which states: "The Constitution is the supreme and prevails over any other legal system."

The stubborn still insist that no human rights violation, if a person's tied naked to a pole is struck with nettles, is the ice water bath and forced her to walk with heavy loads to shoulder. It is essential to silence the supporters of indigenous justice, the issue of a law governing constitutional principles in relation to its implementation. The silence of journalists and opinion mainly the Catholic Church becomes complicit in this absurd way of trying to do justice in Ecuador.

If deplores and condemns the execution with his own hand, should the recovery of confidence in the administration of justice in this Republic, by a change in attitude of judges and end up with one of the pretexts of the sponsors of infamous law.

A fools defenders of the law of the jungle transcribe them thinking of Baltasar Gracian: "He is no fool who does the stupidity, but that made no disguise know it."

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pain In Descending Colon

By: Mauricio Alvarez-Dávila
I am and have always been in favor of self-determination of peoples and of all rights and duties that this concept implies. But I am also clear that the practice of this freedom is subject to the legal framework in which each village unfolds. For example, I was born in the capital of the beautiful province of Tungurahua: Ambato. My province until the mid-nineteenth century, there was, but was part of Cotopaxi. Many factors come to mind that drove my ancestors and their leaders decide to define a smaller but own territory and thus define a new direction, a new destination. There were those who opposed her, true, but more power was the determination of the framers of the new province.
This concept can be applied to that time, the province and the circumstances. But it can also be applied to any time, any geographical constituency and any occasion. If you wanted to secede from Santo Domingo Quito, was free to do as you followed the procedures.

Today, I live in Quito, in the city in which, for political consensus in all the constitution, political power lie and central government administration. I have also family roots in several provinces and relatives based in Latacunga, Imbabura, Guayaquil, Cuenca and Manabi, these last three most important land for economic development. For these reasons, I know quite well not only the reality of my hometown and my current residence, but I know I care and I care about the reality of the country.

But my interest in what goes on in Ecuador everything is not only my motley origins, but princes because of my parents and I saw around me the example of people doing it. Especially in Quito, I have seen people go a little beyond their own needs and presented themselves for what happens now in Chimborazo, and in Zaraguro, and in the Angel as in Bourbon, socks, Zaruma or Duran. Civics and citizenship education that I and my fellow received and continue to receive concerning the citizenship of Ecuador, the Ecuadorian citizenship, not "Ambato citizenship" or "citizenship Quito" or membership in a particular village.

In "high", as some say, have taught us how important to Ecuador is Guayaquil Quito, Quito, Cuenca that Guaranda ... But certainly we know that what happens in Quito or Guayaquil is of fundamental importance for the entire country, not just for those two cities.

is why, many times, we are "stuck" because we believe no other, but because what we do or fail to Quito and Guayaquil affects us all, is an example for other cities.

I say, are we able to conceive all problems of national and elsewhere our problems and needs of Indian wilderness, such as a need of ours, is it the people cited autodeteminación a single valid argument for a city to refuse to receive support and concern of other nationals?

What is certain is that we generate national awareness, more true and deep sense of great country ... and leave us selfish parochialism.
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