Thursday, May 5, 2011

How Long Does A Lumix Camera Take To Charge

Waiting On Wednesday 10: Days Like This by Allison Stewart

The "Waiting on Wednesday" is the brainchild of Breaking the Spine. And consists of bringing the books that have not yet been published and read as soon as you want, and post them on a Wednesday.

Title: Days Like This
Series: -----
Author: Allison Stewart
Posted by: Penguin Australia.
ISBN: 9457312568245
Publication Date: August 1, 2011


want to go back to the days when life made sense. The day before our parents were away; before warming devour all living things in the world, before the Committee and its Blacktroopers. Before the wall.

Lily is a prisoner in her own home. Forced to stay inside by the Committee and custody of their increasingly distant parents, Lily and her brother Daniel are beginning to wonder why. So when Daniel disappears just before her seventeenth birthday, Lily knows that the other side.

And she has to escape.
But who else is there?
And can anyone survive days like these?

T. Synopsis Hillary
♥ ♥ ♥
I think I'll rename Waiting on Thursday, well as I could not post yesterday, I'll post it now. I love this book, people who have already read the ARCs say it is very cool and also he is another dystopia: D Of course announce the winners in the previous post.


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