Special attention is given to the closures of the radios and destruction to the media in particular Radio CRE, Huncavilca and Atalaya.
also to statements with respect to teachers, the rest of the chronic entire spill blood and repression by the Governor of Guayas, Nationality Police and para-military gangs and para-police, all under the watchful eye of the dolphin when he was Governor of Guayas.

Quito. 30/03/1993. Election Campaign 1992: Jaime Nebot Saadi rightist presidential candidate Social Christian Party, appears on screen: it has a sallow face and repented and sample-himself- its shameful incident as a Member of Congress . Recognizes: "It is true that I went too far, in defense of my honor, but I'll overkill. You regret:" I've known. "Welcomes to himself:" That's good. "Then, grabbing floats in the viewer: "I want to acknowledge a mistake, one error, the only time that I have exceeded ..."
Nebot, Governor of Guayas 84 88:
more than 40 deaths of farmers and opposed by paramilitary groups and law enforcement;
were more than 40
violent evictions of thousands of families. More than 30
mass arbitrary arrests. over 10 criminal attacks opposition leaders and their local parties.
several radio stations were closed and completely destroyed CRE. torture was institutionalized and the law of escape prison. armed youth gangs eventually totaled 1,200 mass arbitrary arrests. over 10 criminal attacks opposition leaders and their local parties.
Another propaganda, Nebot said that Ecuador's R. Borja is the realm of uncertainty. Crime has taken to the streets. When he is president apply the full force of law and the situation will change now! Nebot
"clarifies" that was exceeded only once and asked recognition. surely for him what he did or allowed in the government of Guayas excesses were not
August 1984
- Jaime Nebot is possession as Governor of Guayas.
82 arrested in protest of rising fuel . University of Guayaquil complaint prison teachers, students and harassment raids on premises by hooded agents.
- Order of Mayor Bucaram, releases of detainees. Therefore, Nebot recapture and removal orders and prison-penance director of waiver requests all staff to disseminate information SENDIP repression.
September 1984
- The artisan is murdered
Carlos Cabezas
by a bullet during demonstration pro-mayor of Guayaquil.
- Ivan Plaza Moon, HACA prison visit to Guayaquil is tortured by two guides 20 sucres for not giving them the "permission."
October 84
-Confrontation between "safety brigade" Toral Zalamea in support of the FRN and supporters of PRE and ID. Balance five killed by gunfire. Guayaquil newspapers show pictures of Toral groups, armed and transported in trucks. Jaime Nebot accused of violence
supporters of the ID.
- Banda
street killer Merlin Arce, chief of police
etropolitana of Guayaquil. - Head of custodial U. Guayaquil, Francisco Mora, is victimized four by armed missiles. Police did not intervene. - local bomb explodes
ID and home of the deputy Fernando Larrea
- Eviction Cooperative brutal in Pancho Jacome.
November 1984
- Nebot announces dismissal of thousands of public employees by nepotism. Not be achieved.
- Closing
CRE radio stations, Centenary 45 minutes Huancavilca accused of slander and insults against President
- Dead two inmates in Prison by applying
Fuga Act - National Police raid
Municipality of Guayaquil to requisition arms and capture Bucaram Mayor sentenced to four days of imprisonment "for spreading false rumors."
-armed group home abalea Roldosista Fausto Pérez MP.
Pancho Jaime, editor of magazine "Censorship" is freed after being arrested and tortured.
January 1985
- Police raid building
School of Communication at the U. of Guayaquil.
- armed group attacked with tear gas and police use, and weapons local PD for political action in the presence of the President Osvaldo Hurtado.
-Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of U. of Guayaquil Jaime Nebot protest against brutal police repression of student protests. February 1985
Jaime Toral is presented in the Palace of Justice. Police did not catch despite arrest warrant.
- Second Criminal Judge orders prison for murder of Merlin may Arce, but police did not learn even when it leads protests.
March 1985 -
evicted paramilitary bands workers supporting the strike of 27 March FUT
. Mistreatment and arbitrary arrests
Since August 1984, residents of Guasmo, Febres Cordero parish denounce harassment of "death squad ": During a strike, armed civilian commandos evict strikers from staging areas, chase small traders state university invade, rob stores and
hit several popular leaders. - Brutally
are found tortured and executed six leaders of South
Guasmo popular. Toral residents accuse of having given the order. - is attacked by "agents of the Ministry of Government
ID, Javier Ledesma
April 1985
-Farmers Cooperative
Buena Esperanza, San Carlos Listing evicted 20 policemen knocked down and burned 10 homes, stole machetes, food and household goods. Members detained for eight days.
- William Avila, 23, dies from torture, despite being shot in the head.
- Toral assassinates Germain Zambrano, Alternate Member of PRE. Mounted police cordon, but flight
May 1985 -
José Chamba Cabanilla, chief inspector of the Fifth Police Station
, bullet attacks by the mayor of Guayas enmity. Detained is released immediately "on orders from above." Nebot can not explain, says, "the release order has not come from any authority."
-Toral Zalamea is captured in the operation led by Mayor Guayaquil, Bucaram.
- Ephraim Robelly Campesino leader is arrested immediately after being released by Habeas Corpus.
- Lieutenant Toral, Scotland Cardenas reveals that his boss ordered the killing of 10 people, including the 6 Guasmo leaders.
June 1985
Pancho Imprisoned journalist Jaime
- College Students Andrés Mateus de Guayaquil evicted from the facility by 300 policemen, and members of civil security and defense policy
July 1985
- Gamavisión film crew is attacked and arrested by police while covering breaking and U. of Guayaquil.
August 1985
- Police raid and destroy local Agricultural Cooperative Association of Ecuador. Die
Juan Carlos Acosta, a member of AVC,
victim of torture despite being shot. Son of former Foreign Minister Francisco Acosta who publicly protest against government
September 1985.
- Death of Nahim Isaias banker to rescue attempted abduction of AVC. Balance seven killed in operations led by Leon Febres Cordero.
- Two members of M-19, and Alfonso Benavides Tobón Germain, arrested following the seizure of Isaias, are victimized "when trying to escape" according to police
October 1985
Two students die in Milagro at the hands of police when protesting terminal fee for use of land.
- FUT arrested leaders of Guayas in the midst of running for non-payment of external debt. November
, 1985
Pancho Jaime is arrested again. This time claims to have suffered torture in their own governor of Guayas
- arrested again FUT leaders before the protest march.
"Three university students were wounded by gunfire in clashes with police protest.
December 1985
- arrested and tortured and Mariana Miranda Jorge Carazo, U. teachers of Guayaquil, which paralyzes its activities in protest.
January 1986 -50
national armed civilians and police violently evicted factory workers "dei Coastline Plastics." Bernardo Worker Soledispa killed, 25 wounded and 18 arrested.
Urbina Jado Canton dies in eviction Diamantides shot Cardona owner.
- Canton
Duale, paramilitary and police destroyed 14 homes. Military
, two police cars cooperative Pancho lash Jácome destroy homes, beaten and made to bite people with police dogs
- Julio Medina was found dead in the SIC-G cells, tortured
February 1986
-abduction and torture of William Pazmino, CEDOC
consultant who spends three days
in the Model.
"paramilitary group" García Moreno also lives "attacked with dogs in school children 272, Coop. Pancho Jacome.
March 1986
300 police, soldiers, armed civilians, dogs, tractors, mortars, destroying 120 homes of Pancho Jacome. One dead. Cap operating heads. Antonio Garcia, Coordinator of Government
Gunmen fire-house and threatens to kill peasants Quevedo.
- Thousands Detained Corozo and Cesar Silva to shout against the President of the Republic .
- Jaime Nebot is possession as Governor of Guayas.
82 arrested in protest of rising fuel . University of Guayaquil complaint prison teachers, students and harassment raids on premises by hooded agents.
- Order of Mayor Bucaram, releases of detainees. Therefore, Nebot recapture and removal orders and prison-penance director of waiver requests all staff to disseminate information SENDIP repression.
September 1984
- The artisan is murdered
Carlos Cabezas
by a bullet during demonstration pro-mayor of Guayaquil.
- Ivan Plaza Moon, HACA prison visit to Guayaquil is tortured by two guides 20 sucres for not giving them the "permission."
October 84
-Confrontation between "safety brigade" Toral Zalamea in support of the FRN and supporters of PRE and ID. Balance five killed by gunfire. Guayaquil newspapers show pictures of Toral groups, armed and transported in trucks. Jaime Nebot accused of violence
supporters of the ID.
- Banda
street killer Merlin
etropolitana of Guayaquil. - Head of custodial
ID and home of the deputy Fernando Larrea
- Eviction Cooperative brutal in Pancho Jacome.
November 1984
- Nebot announces dismissal of thousands of public employees by nepotism. Not be achieved.
- Closing
CRE radio stations, Centenary 45 minutes Huancavilca accused of slander and insults against President
- Dead two inmates in Prison by applying
Fuga Act - National Police raid
Municipality of Guayaquil to requisition arms and capture Bucaram Mayor sentenced to four days of imprisonment "for spreading false rumors."
-armed group home abalea Roldosista Fausto Pérez MP.
Pancho Jaime, editor of magazine "Censorship" is freed after being arrested and tortured.
January 1985
- Police raid building
School of Communication at the U. of Guayaquil.
-Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of U. of Guayaquil Jaime Nebot protest against brutal police repression of student protests. February 1985
Jaime Toral is presented in the Palace of Justice. Police did not catch despite arrest warrant.
- Second Criminal Judge orders prison for murder of Merlin may Arce, but police did not learn even when it leads protests.
March 1985 -
evicted paramilitary bands workers supporting the strike of 27 March FUT
. Mistreatment and arbitrary arrests
Since August 1984, residents of Guasmo, Febres Cordero parish denounce harassment of "death squad ": During a strike, armed civilian commandos evict strikers from staging areas, chase small traders state university invade, rob stores and
hit several popular leaders. - Brutally
are found tortured and executed six leaders of South
Guasmo popular. Toral residents accuse of having given the order. - is attacked by "agents of the Ministry of Government
ID, Javier Ledesma
April 1985
Buena Esperanza, San Carlos Listing evicted 20 policemen knocked down and burned 10 homes, stole machetes, food and household goods. Members detained for eight days.
- William Avila, 23, dies from torture, despite being shot in the head.
May 1985 -
José Chamba Cabanilla, chief inspector of the Fifth Police Station
, bullet attacks by the mayor of Guayas enmity. Detained is released immediately "on orders from above." Nebot can not explain, says, "the release order has not come from any authority."
-Toral Zalamea is captured in the operation led by Mayor Guayaquil, Bucaram.
- Ephraim Robelly
- Lieutenant Toral, Scotland Cardenas reveals that his boss ordered the killing of 10 people, including the 6 Guasmo leaders.
June 1985
Pancho Imprisoned journalist Jaime
- College Students Andrés Mateus de Guayaquil evicted from the facility by 300 policemen, and members of civil security and defense policy
July 1985
- Gamavisión film crew is attacked and arrested by police while covering breaking and U. of Guayaquil.
August 1985
- Police raid and destroy local Agricultural Cooperative Association of Ecuador. Die
Juan Carlos Acosta, a member of AVC,
victim of torture despite being shot. Son of former Foreign Minister Francisco Acosta who publicly protest against government
September 1985.
- Death of Nahim Isaias banker to rescue attempted abduction of AVC. Balance seven killed in operations led by Leon Febres Cordero.
- Two members of M-19, and Alfonso Benavides Tobón Germain, arrested following the seizure of Isaias, are victimized "when trying to escape" according to police
October 1985
Two students die in Milagro at the hands of police when protesting terminal fee for use of land.
- FUT arrested leaders of Guayas in the midst of running for non-payment of external debt. November
, 1985
Pancho Jaime is arrested again. This time claims to have suffered torture in their own governor of Guayas
- arrested again FUT leaders before the protest march.
"Three university students were wounded by gunfire in clashes with police protest.
December 1985
- arrested and tortured and Mariana Miranda Jorge Carazo, U. teachers of Guayaquil, which paralyzes its activities in protest.
January 1986 -50
national armed civilians and police violently evicted factory workers "dei Coastline Plastics." Bernardo Worker Soledispa killed, 25 wounded and 18 arrested.
Urbina Jado Canton dies in eviction Diamantides shot Cardona owner.
- Canton
Duale, paramilitary and police destroyed 14 homes. Military
, two police cars cooperative Pancho lash Jácome destroy homes, beaten and made to bite people with police dogs
- Julio Medina was found dead in the SIC-G cells, tortured
February 1986
-abduction and torture of William Pazmino, CEDOC
consultant who spends three days
in the Model.
"paramilitary group" García Moreno also lives "attacked with dogs in school children 272, Coop. Pancho Jacome.
300 police, soldiers, armed civilians, dogs, tractors, mortars, destroying 120 homes of Pancho Jacome. One dead. Cap operating heads. Antonio Garcia, Coordinator of Government
Gunmen fire-house and threatens to kill peasants Quevedo.
- Thousands Detained Corozo and Cesar Silva to shout against the President of the Republic .
Apr il, 1986
-20 Vicente armed civilians kidnapped Jacome onen tortured and released after 5 days. Coop is leader. Pancho Jacome.
-armed Civil parish farmers assault Balao. - Pedro Castro is killed by armed civilians in Balzar.
- Santiago Erazo, president cooperative "July 9 is murdered. Balao Guayas.
- congressional candidate arrested by the DP
, Abg. Andres Crespo, by order of the President.
May 1986 - Strong prevents police numbers up from 19 in May.
- Agents "security force the Government
"violently stifle concentration of workers in Plaza San Francisco. They fired into the air and arresting four people.
August 1986 arrested and tortured Angel Huaquillas, leader of agricultural cooprativa Balao, Guayaquil.
- Police radio taps
Watchtower closure order
September 1986.
- Miracle 150 police enter
Association September 15, parish Balao, burning houses, belongings subtracted, beat up 40 peasants , forcing women to undress and raped one of them.
- 80 armed men under the command of Cap. Antonio García lash out at people from Coop. San Pedro Lomas.
- Hits 3 several women and loot property of residents. November 1986
-Precooperativa "Peasant Alliance", Santa Lucia, Duale, four reported assaults in the year. This month, 15 policemen and 40 civilians armed attack again
bullet-cooperative "New Union", parish Vernaza reported three attacks in 1986. 50 police and armed civilians led by Luis Plaza in burn their houses.
700 families displaced, dozens of buildings destroyed, five detainees and families to weather the result of 3-day eviction
Police, commanded by Governor Jaime Nebot
-20 Vicente armed civilians kidnapped Jacome onen tortured and released after 5 days. Coop is leader. Pancho Jacome.
-armed Civil parish farmers assault Balao.
- Santiago Erazo, president cooperative "July 9 is murdered. Balao Guayas.
- congressional candidate arrested by the DP
, Abg. Andres Crespo, by order of the President.
- Agents "security force the Government
"violently stifle concentration of workers in Plaza San Francisco. They fired into the air and arresting four people.
August 1986
- Police radio taps
Watchtower closure order
September 1986.
- Miracle 150 police enter
Association September 15, parish Balao, burning houses, belongings subtracted, beat up 40 peasants , forcing women to undress and raped one of them.
- 80 armed men under the command of Cap. Antonio García lash out at people from Coop. San Pedro Lomas.
- Hits 3 several women and loot property of residents.
-Precooperativa "Peasant Alliance", Santa Lucia, Duale, four reported assaults in the year. This month, 15 policemen and 40 civilians armed attack again
bullet-cooperative "New Union", parish Vernaza reported three attacks in 1986. 50 police and armed civilians led by Luis Plaza in burn their houses.
700 families displaced, dozens of buildings destroyed, five detainees and families to weather the result of 3-day eviction
Police, commanded by Governor Jaime Nebot
January 1987
- Commands Taura Air Base
kidnap the President of the Republic.
- Interior
CRE radio prohibits information on abduction issue .- That same evening, gunmen burst into a station and completely removes their equipment.
March 1987
-FUT leaders arrested before national strike Guayas.
-Brutal police repression of demonstrators armed groups, the Cioppo Pascual, private secretary Nebot, pistol in hand and the command of officers of government, scattered marches and arrest people.
April 1987 - Cruz Porras and his daughter Marjorie Rivera were arrested and tortured by agents of Interpol
-governance Agents arrest Pancho Jaime, Jaime Garcia and Gerardo Pezantes.
- 20 armed civilians entering parish of Santa Lucia, Workers' Association Agricultural August 3, destroyed 20 blocks of rice batter Ubaldina leader Carvajal. Two policemen and an officer arrested the leader Augusto Calderon and keep 2 days in solitary confinement in Modelo Headquarters.
May 1987 - arrested seven leaders of the Guayas FUT before strike.
- dissolving crowds to protest strongly.
August 1987-Nilo
Gamboa stroke dies when detained at the police checkpoint Guasmo.
- 14 members of the College of Education Media Professionals are evicted from
Undersecretary of Education of the Guayas, arrested and beaten by police in Model Headquarters.
- Group armed assaults, and loot evicted 20 families in The
Iberia, Rio Jubones.
guardian dies.
- New Cooperative eviction Jácome
Pancho - Military heavily armed settlers threaten Jácome Pancho.
Cap. Antonio Garcia led by 25 police evict residents and destroy 100 homes in Pancho Jácome
-Villagers are intimidated by Pancho Jacome police and armed civilians by firing into the air.
- Police with dogs and riot trucks to evict back of Pancho Jácome .- Shooting, gases and demolition of more than 60 homes. One dead and two wounded.
- 500 families precooperative "Patria Libre" are evicted by order of Governor .- Three dead.
- Hundreds of workers were evacuated by police were on strike for 420 layoff firms fellow banana Agronomy, Agrisenu and Agrosi, El Triunfo
June 1988
- The governor of Guayas, attributing functions that do not belong, provides for the cancellation and arrests of principals, teachers and leaders of the UNE
of Guayas. Several professors declared in a hunger strike in the UNE of Guayaquil. Governor
reaction. Nebot was: "For me to continue on hunger strike because they have not worked as they have no right to eat."
-In VI Human Rights Forum, commoners
Peninsula of Santa Elena reported by armed gangs terrorizing VIMAR company Noboa Group, to drive them from their land.
-Self Forum denounces armed bands led by Luis Chamba Guayaquil, Carlos Castro, Dionisio Gutierrez and Toral Zalamea.
- Francisco Pazmino, Cooperative Cartagena July 8 km road to Daule hstigamiento complaint of an armed group called "Red Bronco" and comprised of Dionosio Gutierrez, Hector Jacome Figueroa Hoover, Gualberto Brito, Simon Montalván, and Bruno cusma. * Text taken
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