Monday, June 7, 2010
We join the continent feels pain after losing one of its most brilliant children, copy his biography from his own website (
Bolívar Echeverría was born in Riobamba, in 1941. He earned the title of Master of Arts in Philosophy at the Freie Universität Berlin (1968). At the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) finished her BA (1974). Later, in the same University, a Master in Economics (1991) and Ph.D. (1995).
Since 1973 he is a professor and researcher at the UNAM and other cultural institutions. Since 1968, translates and publishes books for the publishing industry mexicana (Siglo XXI, FCE, ERA, balancing, Ithaca). Has prepared and edited various cultural magazines: Pucuna (Quito, 1961-1964), Latin America (Berlin, 1962-1967), Political Papers (Mexico, 1974-1989), Palos (Mexico, 1980-1981), Political Economy (Mexico, 1976-1985) and Tests (Mexico, 1980-1988) and theoria (Mexico, since 1991). Among the institutions that have been invited to give courses and lectures are the following: Foundation Quito (1987), Centre for Research and Social Studies of Ecuador (CIESE, Quito, 1992), Institut Religionswissenschaftliches (Freie Universität Berlin, 1993) , Center for Economic Studies and Sociais (University of Coimbra, 1996), Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (1997, 1998), Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (1995, 1999), University of New York, "Fernand Braudel Center (1998), Lateinamerika Institut (Freie Universität Berlin, 2000), University of Pittsburgh (2001), La Salle University of New Orleans (2001), Kunsthochschule Braunschweig (2002) Harvard University (2004) and West Ontario University (2006). Since 1988 full-time professor of the Faculty of Arts at the Undergraduate and Graduate of the UNAM. Among the awards he has received are: National University Award for Teaching (Mexico, 1997), winner Pio Jaramillo Alvarado (FLACSO-Quito, 2004) and Critical Prize Libertador (Caracas, 2007). Bolívar Echeverría is a philosopher, writer and researcher. In addition to academic work submitted groups has been part of intellectuals in creating cultural and political journals. His research appellants from the study of the work of Heidegger and Sartre, a reading of Marx's Capital and a development of the Critical Theory of Frankfurt, extending the thematic areas of the theory of culture, the definition of modernity and the interpretation of Latin American baroque. Currently coordinates in the UNAM, the University Seminar "Modernity: Versions and dimensions."
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