By: Dante Palma
(Piblicado originalmene in the Journal Veitirés)
Probably there has been no review of the years of Nestor Kirchner in power that would not do emphasized that his leadership marked the return and claim the policy on the economy. Hence, although I assume that the complexity of contemporary societies require to be more cautious and take into account a lot of nuances, it would be quite improper to take as variables the tension between economics and politics as the axis on which to explain, at least the difference between the prevailing trend in the 90 and the paradigm shift that spanned much of the first decade of the century.
If we interpret politics as circumscribed to actions that come from the Government, poor but useful definition for the purposes of this note, it is clear that the process of self-reduction of the state in pursuit of private interests and forces "harmonics" that govern the market, represents a cut of the possibilities of politics. Based on a modern conception of freedom, neo-liberals interpret that any state interference is harmful and detrimental to the pursuit of individual desires and ideals of the good life of each individual. Protection of private property over physical and legal security. No more than that. Everything else maximalism embodies the danger of state. Obviously, the implosion of 2001 was a change in economic policy but That does not necessarily imply a variation in the conception of the role that the State must meet for high exchange rate and hence the natural promotion of exports is not, in itself, synonymous with anti-liberal economic policy. But since 2003, the nationalization of some utilities, renegotiating debt, independently of the IMF, the FTAA Not generally a policy of outright opposition to the guidelines of the Washington Consensus, were changes visible that appeared as factual support what was, gradually and even with infinite number of flats, a process of cultural transformation that would reinstate a conception of State and society that says that policy should be determined to economics and not vice versa.
But what means this change? What depths acquired? In what field is being waged? The answer is difficult but to try an approach I borrow the philosopher Michel Foucault an idea of \u200b\u200bthe significance of the market for neoliberalism. At the risk
countless other inaccuracies, I would rebuild part of the argument that the French philosopher stated in his course at the College de France in the year 78-79 and was published in book form under the name The Birth of Biopolitics. For Foucault, the liberal tradition that proclaims by a minimal state stands on the market as the court of good governance. Thus, it is the economy that will determine the market politics is the thermometer to assess government actions. The market not only serves as a limit to the sovereignty of political power as the place where "should not go" but also that will determine whether the policy is "on the right track." Thus, Foucault asserts that the market went from being a place where it appears the "justice" to a place where it appears the "truth", ie that which was originally a market square where there was a regulation that allowed achieve a fair price for a product and which limited the possibilities of fraud, there is now a market where what appears is a "truth" that will give an account of what government actions are right and which wrong. And here we return to the Argentine case and ask ourselves are we not today witness of those tough neo-liberal forces in the opposition attempt to assert that the employer to assess what the government does is the market? Is it not said, finally, that since the market is the place of truth, the reaction of the operators of our "City" is what marks the pulse and allow us to determine if the government does well or wrong? Is not it suggests that if the government is not telling the truth about the numbers from INDEC, the entire policy, not just economic, it is a farce? Finally, the fact that economists, almost as a kind of postmodern mediums, are those that citizens and governments should listen to know the future of the country and to act on it, is not part of this trend of genuflection of politics with the economy?
It is from this idea that can shed light, for example, one of the central axis CFK exhibited at the last meeting of the G20 and that would be embedded in the tradition of true Peronism, as to profess economic independence. I am referring to criticism of the Rating Agencies. If they still exist, you will remember from the time of the Alliance when we show the "country risk" and the mainstream media amplified their diagnosis every 30 minutes next to the price of the dollar and the wind chill that always came in the form of "wave "whether heat is cold. The "Country risk" was never presented as the qualification that makes a particular company, interested in advising clients with significant capital. Rather it is presented as a truth, that you can quantify when a country is "risky." Furthermore, this notion of "risk", almost like a slippery slope, is not confined to the area of \u200b\u200bthe disadvantages that an economy can bring to a particular investor, but on a fast chain of signifiers, covers social, political and legal. Thus, governments in the region are making steps that are "verified" by the counter that adds or subtracts points depending on how much we get closer to what the market space that has ceased to be a fair exchange to become that of the true, desired.
This X-ray and diagnosis are used by Foucault as a chapter of his unfinished story of truth. For any reader distracted, we can say that such history is not the failures and errors of human civilization that eventually end up being desasnados by enlightened souls who are above the mediocrity of the time in which they live. It is, rather, a story of "veridiction" that is, the ways in which each historical context the powers that be decided what was true and what that truth will eventually manifest space. This idea could Foucault emphasized, then, seeks not to say that the return policy is that now the truth will be told by the State or government but simply that the truth is a land dispute and that there is "One Truth" but multiple perspectives. Return policy Kirchner's hand then it should stop teaching: it is not one truth that appeared in the guidelines of the ruling party or we can describe politics in terms of true or false or morally , good or bad. For this is Pino Solanas and Carrio, candidates for the position of heavenly creatures life. Rather, the return of the political means to challenge the narrative space to the market and the economy in general, failed to show a "real truth" objective would be to "politics" but to point out that behind this apparent aseptic space that is "the market" are squatting interests, neither true nor false, just interested.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Darker Skin In Pubic Areas
is from a couple of weeks but it is worth re-reading.
"President Chavez, I go to sing to his country. Would I allow it? You give me your word that nothing will happen or my audience or my people or the company or me? If you give me permission and gives us his word that nothing will happen I close my tour in Venezuela. You have the word "(This Sanz published in twitter)
Mr Alexander: You know what it means to be a slave without a chain ... Slave without chains, is simply to continue to be slaves without loading the shackles ... Why do not you ever wonder why yet as to why Venezuela is attacked with heavy artillery only powers Western?
Or is it that forms part of them and you get the distracted? Learn
my friend, and ask for Colombia is considered one of the nations where there is more inequality because of governments that send only a few and the wealth is distributed to a privileged few, while Venezuela is recognized as the first country in the region when extreme poverty down so dramatically in the Chavez government.
Do not you ever called attention to after our country turned to the left, it automatically began to unite the majority of the peoples of Latin America, a clear sign of what people wanted? ... Do you ask permission
to come and sing?
Are not you ashamed to say that?
"In a democratic country where anyone can say what he pleases and not as you have?
'll tell you something: The majority of Latin Americans who raised their voices through the song, in protest against the endless injustices suffered by their people because of murderous dictatorships right ... I never asked permission to risk his life on behalf of the wretched, and at that time if they risked their skins ...
ever deigned to listen to any song turned into prose Don Atahualpa Yupanqui ...
Yes!, who called him the father of American folk song ...
Argentina fascist dictatorship pursued him and had to seek asylum in Europe, if you do not know the same as in Paris shared the stage with someone Call Edith Piaf ...
never told you the singer Victor Jara, the Chilean dictatorship of Pinochet, he cut the hands to ever return to play his guitar accompanied by his singing and not complying with it, shot him helpless in the Santiago soccer stadium ... Surely you knew
Mercedes Sosa, "the black of the South" as they called all people
American ... If you met her, I invite you to get on Youtube and hear singing: "I only ask of God" and then tell me ... This singer
people, singing in the city of La Plata in 79 the fascist dictatorship arrested her and all who dared to go to her sing. Also went into exile in Europe in Paris and Madrid, not to kill her ... You read
Mario Benedetti ever told us that "The South Also Exists", like his compatriot Alfredo Zitarrosa that of "Violin Becho" ...
They also were forced into exile in Europe after receiving death threats ...
A Lion Gieco, a general put a gun to a hundred, saying: "The next time you come to sing to the University of Luján and sing that song I'm going to get shot in the head", referring to "Iron Men" ...
Guarani also had to leave like the Nacha Guevara, who planted a bomb in a theater while singing, Argentine fascists ...
If even the tango Cambalache forbade radio stations in Argentina's dictatorship! ... And Our unparalleled CANTAUTOR FIRST ALI, WHO WAS VETOED ALL YOUR LIFE in the Venezuelan media. Cheer
!!... And write a song, from the miseries of the world ... Tell us about the forgotten
Haiti, thousands and thousands of dead in Iraq, in Afghanistan, the famine in Africa, of malnutrition in Latin poor, abysmal inequality between rich and poor, the endless women murdered in Ciudad Juarez, children forced to work robándoseles only thing worth living in this crazy life, "his children" ...
Learn, write, do not come just to sing ... and do a media show, be honest, do not deceive your followers.
Walk the slums of people clamoring for equalities, the shantytowns of the homeless ... the 40 million poor people in USA, now converted into 50 million excluded.
And then tell me if you still have forces
is from a couple of weeks but it is worth re-reading.
"President Chavez, I go to sing to his country. Would I allow it? You give me your word that nothing will happen or my audience or my people or the company or me? If you give me permission and gives us his word that nothing will happen I close my tour in Venezuela. You have the word "(This Sanz published in twitter)
Mr Alexander: You know what it means to be a slave without a chain ... Slave without chains, is simply to continue to be slaves without loading the shackles ... Why do not you ever wonder why yet as to why Venezuela is attacked with heavy artillery only powers Western?
Or is it that forms part of them and you get the distracted? Learn
my friend, and ask for Colombia is considered one of the nations where there is more inequality because of governments that send only a few and the wealth is distributed to a privileged few, while Venezuela is recognized as the first country in the region when extreme poverty down so dramatically in the Chavez government.
Do not you ever called attention to after our country turned to the left, it automatically began to unite the majority of the peoples of Latin America, a clear sign of what people wanted? ... Do you ask permission
to come and sing?
Are not you ashamed to say that?
"In a democratic country where anyone can say what he pleases and not as you have?
'll tell you something: The majority of Latin Americans who raised their voices through the song, in protest against the endless injustices suffered by their people because of murderous dictatorships right ... I never asked permission to risk his life on behalf of the wretched, and at that time if they risked their skins ...
ever deigned to listen to any song turned into prose Don Atahualpa Yupanqui ...
Yes!, who called him the father of American folk song ...
Argentina fascist dictatorship pursued him and had to seek asylum in Europe, if you do not know the same as in Paris shared the stage with someone Call Edith Piaf ...
never told you the singer Victor Jara, the Chilean dictatorship of Pinochet, he cut the hands to ever return to play his guitar accompanied by his singing and not complying with it, shot him helpless in the Santiago soccer stadium ... Surely you knew
Mercedes Sosa, "the black of the South" as they called all people
American ... If you met her, I invite you to get on Youtube and hear singing: "I only ask of God" and then tell me ... This singer
people, singing in the city of La Plata in 79 the fascist dictatorship arrested her and all who dared to go to her sing. Also went into exile in Europe in Paris and Madrid, not to kill her ... You read
Mario Benedetti ever told us that "The South Also Exists", like his compatriot Alfredo Zitarrosa that of "Violin Becho" ...
They also were forced into exile in Europe after receiving death threats ...
A Lion Gieco, a general put a gun to a hundred, saying: "The next time you come to sing to the University of Luján and sing that song I'm going to get shot in the head", referring to "Iron Men" ...
Guarani also had to leave like the Nacha Guevara, who planted a bomb in a theater while singing, Argentine fascists ...
If even the tango Cambalache forbade radio stations in Argentina's dictatorship! ... And Our unparalleled CANTAUTOR FIRST ALI, WHO WAS VETOED ALL YOUR LIFE in the Venezuelan media. Cheer
!!... And write a song, from the miseries of the world ... Tell us about the forgotten
Haiti, thousands and thousands of dead in Iraq, in Afghanistan, the famine in Africa, of malnutrition in Latin poor, abysmal inequality between rich and poor, the endless women murdered in Ciudad Juarez, children forced to work robándoseles only thing worth living in this crazy life, "his children" ...
Learn, write, do not come just to sing ... and do a media show, be honest, do not deceive your followers.
Walk the slums of people clamoring for equalities, the shantytowns of the homeless ... the 40 million poor people in USA, now converted into 50 million excluded.
And then tell me if you still have forces
criticize Chavez ... Continue reading this article ...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Can Dogs Get Ankylosing Spondylitis
Source: Noticialista (Argentina)
Source: Noticialista (Argentina)
For Carlos Antúnez
We listen, we read, we see almost daily in the media, on posters plastered on the walls, marches and complaints.
From left most revolutionary social democracy to a sweetened with a bit of popular nationalism. In all their statements, from Pino Solanas to Altamira and Castells, we are told that the Government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and his predecessor Nestor Kirchner are not really what they claim, popular governments, but they really are populist People who cheat the right prohijando big business of multinationals to enrich and accumulate power to continue enriching. Weighed against other Latin American governments that actually if national and popular they are doing the true popular revolution, that if they access the National Government pursued.
So we put the examples of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela of Chavez, Correa's Ecuador or the Multiethnic Bolivia Evo Morales. And all his verbose display paraphernalia singing the praises of the true American patriots against the bourgeois and popular "K".
Until there all "close" all the all voices, all hands all. But what forget those good little boys is that despite wanting to run the government "for left" and have the powerful tribunes of mass media concentrates (Solanas regular at TN and Grondona), the Town has some ability to detect "vendehumos" and it has tools that easily crumble his speech as the Internet.
Thanks to these tools, we can see that they say the respective "enlightened left" in each of these countries.
In Ecuador we find the Popular Democratic Movement, which in its Declaration of Principles says, "Workers, peasants, teachers, students, professionals, artisans, intellectuals, artists. Men and women, Democrats and patriots have joined together to give life, to structure the Democratic Popular Movement, political organization of the peoples of Ecuador proposed the conquest of a popular government, patriotic, democratic and revolutionary ", that is a true People's Party and mass from Argentina, and according to the tenets of our Left should be unconditional support to President Correa, but it is not. The MPD is unionized, together with the Indigenous Movement Pachacutik to support the assassination attempt against President Correa. The Pachakutik indigenous call for the impeachment of the President hostage, then demanding the intervention of external actors to investigate what happened, that way the discourse of national diversity and autonomy of indigenous people come together with the specific request of an external intervention national political process, in the same way the "radical anti-imperialist MPD" breaking down his revolutionary rhetoric, unheard discourse juggle, climb to the police vans to harangue passers-by to support the alleged claims of "armed people" *.
Obviously, the attempt failed coup and assassination, the MPD agrees with the most reactionary Right in Ecuador that the coup was no such thing and that was to blame for everything Correa. But better, go to the source. In an article entitled "What happened" Mr. "President" published in No. 174, November 2010 in the newspaper "New Nation" in a paragraph saying.
... "And if we talk about criminals, you are solely responsible for the events of 30 September and their backs are 8 or 10 people that day, Bosco Wisum the teacher and all those who die in the hands of hired killers and insecurity, because instead of governing has been dedicated to insult and lie bear false witness.
If you left I'm Santa Claus, the real left is the MPD is courageous people has been at the forefront of defending the interests of workers, students, teachers, peasants, impoverished by the traditional oligarchy and now you. "He concluded the note saying. "" Lord "Correa words reassures us that we are on the right path, nor the traditional right nor to you, traitor of the people and Lambón of the Yankees, we are with the people and continue with him, to make our country an area of \u200b\u200bfreedom, life, dignity and justice for all. "
is, the guilt of the dead is actually mounted strap that farce to accumulate power and popular demands silence. Exactly the same explanation of the right-wing Patriotic Society.
Furthermore, to claim as true revolutionaries of the Patria Grande do not hesitate to praise, as opposed to the government of President Correa, the governments of Bolivia and Venezuela. In an article entitled "Some ideas about the coup that never was" they say. "His inclination to the right. These and many other facts make any comparison with Venezuela and Bolivia are wrong and do not allow a fruitful discussion. Neither Chavez and Evo have said they are not anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist, as it does with Hilary Clinton Correa said during his visit to Ecuador, nor have the ravings of Ecuadorian ruler increasingly remote from their constituents and grassroots organizations. "
In Bolivia, we found the Partido Obrero Revolucionario (POR). They are defined as SECTION LIAISON COMMITTEE FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL (CERCI) for a workers government anti-imperialist revolutionary peasants against (FRA) SOCIALIST THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Well, according to the vision of "true revolutionaries" both of Argentina, and Ecuador, the FOR should be a staunch ally Evo Morales' MAS. I regret to inform you that it is not. Let's see what you think of their government.
In an article posted on his blog entitled "EVO DRAG IS LOOKING TO THE RECONCILIATION PREFECTS" says: "The dialogue between government and prefects has shown to what extent Evo and his government are miserable lackeys of the bourgeoisie. Evo's dream is to win the confidence of operators and leave the arm with them, said when President Lula of Brazil visited Bolivia with a delegation of Brazilian businessmen saying ENVY A LULA WHY HAS THE SUPPORT OF EMPLOYERS.
The dialogue has shown that the FOR said: THE GOVERNMENT IS BOURGEOIS MAS in politics that develops between him and the rightist opposition no substantive differences are blood brothers defenders operating system and capitalist oppression. In the famous dialogue Did discussed the problems of the exploited: the lack of jobs, poor wages, the peasant's land hunger, extreme poverty, sovereign control over natural resources, etc..? No, the whole discussion revolves around who controls political power and economic resources of the state. The Indian impostor and the rightwing opposition are two of a kind, decadent expression of the native ruling class, unable to solve national problems, a servant of imperialism. "
But that rascal is this Evo, has us all fooled. Luck is the enlightened vanguard of the POR that helps us open our eyes.
And finally, the great Satan of the Empire, the country that wants to export its revolution and submit to all free peoples of the continent.
Managed by Hugo Chávez, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is what they call a thorn in the Empire. We see this all the rights throughout Latin America hate and fear, while all left the worship at its peak. Do all, safe?
PPT found in Venezuela, a detachment of the PSUV President Chávez. How do they Venezuelan reality?
"People want answers and solutions, claims, safety and housing. The priority is the fight with the Church. What the people are crying peace and development," said Henri Falcón, Lara State Governor, surrounded by activists and leaders of the blue awning in the neighboring state. The country is tired, "he said of the confrontation, wants efficiency, effectiveness, performance, ensure compliance with the Constitution. What we have today, said, "is a caricature of what the people approved the Constitution. Lamented the struggles that national government encourages the Church and the media. "Venezuelans are asking for solutions to the problems of security, housing and unemployment."
The PPT, would be like a social version of the Venezuelan left, let's see the most revolutionary left, embodied in the Workers International League Fourth International. They make this evaluation of Chávez's Venezuela.
"in Venezuela need a revolutionary workers party to challenge Chávez and imperialism and its henchmen. For yes. What we do with all the patience in the world with our class, explaining, explaining and explaining to workers the class character of the Bonaparte, we have no more rapidly than our class has. But as soon as workers give the first signs of being ready for combat will be called to oust Chavez and his armed forces as befits a revolutionary policy against any bourgeois state. Along with international, are facing the Chavez regime. When almost all the left capitulates to Chavez, we say clearly: 'We are not Chavez, we are revolutionary socialists. On the other hand, Chavez's anti-imperialist struggle is so inconsequential that even stop paying Venezuela's foreign debt. "
With what we deduce that the Big Lie Chávez, was once a fantastic all in evidence. The Bourgeois Chavez runs left to its competitors to remain in power and do big business on behalf of itself and the Venezuelan bourgeoisie do not know because he attacks. Clear.
EPILOGUE ma non troppo:
Actually it's all too confusing. It idolize processes in their countries are attacked. If there is something difficult to explain is why the Latin American left find it so difficult to see what exalts himself while putting the alien as an example of what should be done. Why in the background always play for which theoretically are their enemies taking positions as incomprehensible as antagonistic to what they claim to defend. One example was the position of Project South and some class left in Argentina to support the SRA during the conflict over the 125 or the above mentioned case in Ecuador.
More difficult to explain, for the Left, is the communion of both affections as showing all the goals mentioned during the funeral Presidents Nestor Kirchner of bygone days.
is strange but all such statements appear on all copied and Peoples cases show how far are those who claim to represent vanguards.
Sancho Cosa vedere non credere.
* Source Andean Center for Strategic Studies (Ecuador)
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